I hear my 1st grade daughter come home and talk about other moms and dads helping out in the classroom and it makes me feel guilty; I work full time and can’t get in to help the class during school hours. Any advice?
Elementary teachers love to have help in the classroom! But their jobs do not stop once the busses take the kids home. Most teachers we know stay after, come in early, and take things home with them. If you have a little time to help, but it is only once in a while or after hours, let the teacher know you are willing to help out the class... at home! Here are a few ways a teacher might love your occasional help, or help from afar:
• Cutting out pieces for a project
• Recording assignments turned in
• Typing up stories the kids have written
• Driving and monitoring a small group on a field trip if you can take a day off
• Coming in and telling the class about a special skill you have by giving a demonstration.
• Collecting and filling out the book order form or fundraiser forms
• Donating items needed for a project
• Planning/ Organizing centers for a party
If you really want to help, but can’t get in during school hours, chances are your child’s teacher will still find a way you can help out. And when you are working on things at home, you can let your daughter help you, too. When she brings the organized fundraiser, or the typed-up stories, or the pieces of the project back to school she will sure feel her mom has helped out her class! So… ask what you can do!